As part of my efforts to be more organized, I've thought a lot about how I want each space in my home to function. This, I hear from the many organization books/blogs/articles I've read, should always be the first step. So I did this and came up with a plan that I've slooooooowly been working toward implementing for forever (I'm impatient with myself, have I mentioned this?). Every last closet & nook in my house has an assigned purpose and I just need to make it all happen. My living room, for instance, is broken into 3 distinct spaces: TV lounge area, reading nook, work space. I have nearly all the pieces for these spaces but I've been missing a key storage piece that was key to my ultimate vision. Until now.
My mom picked up this dresser at an auction for $1.
Yes, ONE DOLLAR. Sure, it looks a bit wrecked but it's solid
construction & clean lines appealed to me. So I asked her to give me
it and she sold it to me for $10. I have been looking for a similar
piece for months but something was always off... wrong color wood, weird
added detailing, wrong size, or insanely overpriced. But, for the
price, I knew this chipped & dull dresser was something I could work
with. And here it is now:
Not bad, right? I made a couple of trips to Lowes Depot & now it's my $50 dresser. Heh. Some sanding, filling, staining, polishing, and waxing can do magical things. And, the big splurge ($25), the new simple knobs, really pulled it together. It's hardly perfect (don't look too close!!), but it will serve it's purpose and it looks great in it's new home. I'm pretty happy with it and it's inspiring me to get rest of the room in order. Now that I have all the pieces, I can finally put this puzzle together.
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